It is clear that the number one priority of Arts Council England, Creative Scotland, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Arts Council of Wales is to ensure the people and organisations that make up the arts, museums and libraries are protected during the coronavirus crisis.
Arts Council England has announced packages for organisations outside of the National Portfolio, for individuals (artists, creative practitioners and freelancers) and National Portfolio Organisations. Their website also has links to the range of governmental and non-governmental support on offer for businesses, including grants, benefits, tax relief, help with mortgages and rent. And for individuals, including employment support, tax relief and direct support for freelancers. Sign up to their mailing list for regular updates.
Creative Scotland has launched three funding programmes designed to provide further support to sustain the country's creative community: A Creative Scotland Bridging Bursary Fund to help sustain creative practice by freelance creative professionals who have lost earnings due to the cancellation of work; a Screen Scotland Bridging Bursary Fund to provide one-off bursary support to self-employed screen sector workers; and the Open Fund Sustaining Creative Development which will provide support for individuals and organisations to sustain their creative development in the next coming months.
Arts Council Northern Ireland plans to open an Artists' Emergency Programme in mid-April for artists, organisations and creative practitioners. This is in addition to a donation to the Go Fund Me 'Bread and Butter' initiative which has been created to support struggling artists. Keep an eye on Arts Council Northern Ireland's website and social media channels for updates.
The Arts Council of Wales has announced the Resilience Fund to help the arts in Wales. Full details of how the £7m fund will be allocated will be published on 7th April.