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Becoming by Héla Ammar

مشروع تركيب فني (انستاليشن) مخصص لسوق شبردز بوش بتكليف من شباك ٢٠١٩. قضت الفنانة التونسية هلا عمار وقتاً في لندن مع النساء اللاتي وصلن لتوّهن إلى المدينة ويوازِنّ بتأن بين الحياة المستقرة العادية في لندن من جه وفترة من عدم استقرار وجودهن الشخصي من جهة ثانية. تم تركيب البورتريهات ذات المساحات الكبيرة على طول السوق الذي هو مكان تجتمع فيه الكثير من الجنسيات والثقافات.

يطلب العمل من المشاهدين أن يتوقفوا للحظة ويفكروا بأسئلة عن النزوح، الهجرة، الاندماج، العيش المشترك، الانتماء والصيرورة. تم ربط أصوات وقصص موثقة من خلال مقابلات ببورتريهات ومزجها بالأصوات المتنوعة الصادرة عن السوق.

الاستماع إلى تسجيلات النساء وقراءة قصصهن في الرابط أدناه (في اللغة الإنجليزية).

Becoming was a site-specific installation in Shepherd’s Bush Market, commissioned for Shubbak 2019. Tunisian artist Héla Ammar spent time with women in London who had recently arrived in the city, and were carefully balancing the normality of London living with a period of personally unsettled existence. Their large-scale portraits were installed throughout the market which is a place where many nationalities and cultures meet.

The installation asked audiences to pause and contemplate questions of displacement, migration, integration, coexistence, belonging and becoming. Voices and stories, sourced through interviews, were paired with the portraits and blended with the different sounds of the market.

Listen to recordings of the women (Arabic with English subtitles) and read transcripts of their stories using the links below.

الاستماع للقصص

Hear the stories

Two women pass in front of a mural on shop shutters
Large scale mural installed in a busy market
Large scale mural installed in a market
Portrait of a woman kissing a young boys face
Large scale mural installed in a market
Portrait of veiled woman and curtain in a marketplace
Portrait of a woman on a bridge with a bike
Large scale mural installed in a market
Large scale mural installed in a busy market

Becoming was commissioned by Shubbak and was presented with additional support from Qatar Foundation International, British Council, and Paul Hamlyn Foundation, in collaboration with Single Homeless Project and Scheherazade Initiative.